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We allow (and love) photos! This is a photo gallery. Each event page is allowed up to twenty photos. We suggest one of the photos show the outside of your event’s place, so people can see what it looks like. Of course, take a photo of the inside, too. If you’re going to send photos of people who attend your event, be sure to get their permission. (Some people may not want pictures of them to be posted.) Email the photos to and be sure to say which town and state your event is in.

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Alphabetically ordered by state

Florida: Sarasota

Sarasota, FL Sarasota, FL

Michigan: Howell

Howell, MI Howell, MI

New York: Syracuse

Syracuse, NY Syracuse, NY Syracuse, NY Syracuse, NY Syracuse, NY Syracuse, NY
Syracuse, NY Syracuse, NY Syracuse, NY Syracuse, NY
Syracuse, NY Syracuse, NY Syracuse, NY Syracuse, NY Syracuse, NY
Syracuse, NY Syracuse, NY Syracuse, NY Syracuse, NY Syracuse, NY
Syracuse, NY Syracuse, NY

Ohio: Columbus

Columbus, OH

Texas: Dallas

Dallas, TX Dallas, TX Dallas, TX
Dallas, TX Dallas, TX Dallas, TX
Dallas, TX Dallas, TX Dallas, TX
Dallas, TX<

Texas: San Antonio

San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX
San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX
San Antonio, TX