Loveland, Colorado
Every other Sunday from 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM
1535 Rocky Mountain Ave.
Loveland, CO
12/8/2023: “We are the Loveland Sign Language Social Group. We meet every other Sunday. Occasionally, we may skip to avoid a holiday. Location: You can see Target in the back of the marketplace, and Starbucks is closer to the main road. We will socialize and play games. NOTE: It would be helpful, not required, if you RSVP so we know how many tables to assemble. Thank you! Who is invited? People who are learning signs for a friend, family member, coworker, or neighbor, or are D/deaf, HOH, hearing, late-deafened, adults, children (accompanied by an adult), or have selective mutism or want to learn sign language for fun. Whether you use ASL, PSE, SEE, or a combination of the three, all skill levels are welcome. Sign language should be about community, connections, and, most of all, communication. We look forward to seeing you for social time and playing games!”
Last updated: 12/8/2023