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DeLand, Florida

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Every Wednesday from 10:00 AM to Noon

Boston Coffeehouse
109 E. New York Ave
DeLand, FL
Voice: (386) 738-2326

Kathleen Youngquist –

12/16/2023: “Yes, we still meet every Wednesday from 10 a.m. until about noon in the back room of Boston Coffee in DeLand. Sometimes we are packed, sometimes less. We have about 5 deaf people who come on a regular basis with a spattering of hearing signers. New people are always welcome! We will meet this Wednesday but I’m not sure of the two weeks right before and after Christmas. Then starting the first week in Jan. we will carry on as usual. Contact me if you have any questions.”
2/10/2020: “Yes, still meeting every Wednesday.”
7/22/2018: “We are still very much active! We meet near the back by the couches and have a round table reserved for us every Wednesday morning. We slow down a bit during the summer months but on a normal week we have between 5-15 people show up, it just depends on what is happening.”

Last updated: 12/16/2023

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