Austell, Georgia
Every 2nd Saturday of each month from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Note: For the month of February 2024, we will meet on February 17th (3rd Saturday) from 6pm-8pm.
Panera Bread
1605 East West Connector
Austell, GA
2/2/2024: “For the month of February 2024, we will meet on Saturday, February 17th from 6pm-8pm.”
12/6/2023: “New location due to the Starbucks being too small. ASL students are welcome but will need to respect the Deaf space – turn voices off.”
10/7/2023: “This is a Starbucks Deaf Social where Deaf, HoH, Sodas, Codas, and ASL students can socialize and build relationships. If you are an ASL student, please respect the Deaf space by having voices off.”