Aledo, Texas
Every LAST Saturday of each month from 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
East Parker Coffee Company
108 Jearl Street
Aledo, TX
Parker County Area Deaf Events – you can contact them through their Facebook page (see below).
3/28/2020: “We had our first-ever virtual Deaf Coffee. It was a learning experience. Learned a couple of things: (1) Without a paid account (on, time limit is 40 minutes. But when we hit that time, it kept going. It went for an hour and a half. Not sure if I’ll get a bill from ZOOM. (2) Participants who used cell phones could only see 4 people at a time. A full sized monitor or tablet is recommended. Other than these, not a bad first time experience. We had a small group (6 people) this time. I took a screenshot to share with you. I was using an Apple tablet. (Picture is blurred to respect people’s privacies.)”
3/23/2020: “The community can not meet in person for Deaf Coffee this Saturday (3/28/2020). Instead, we decided to be creative and offer a Virtual Deaf Coffee via Zoom. We can do a conference video call that will last up to 45 minutes. On Saturday, I will post the chat room info on the Parker County Area Deaf Events page on Facebook (link below).”
3/16/2020: “We have a Facebook page at Parker Country Area Deaf Events.”
Last updated: 3/28/2020